Love Ingredents

... Love works naturally in your body allowing you to get results in minutes. It is a long lasting
alternative to prescription which can lead to potentially serious side effects drugs. ... Love only
works with sexual stimulation and will not cause excitement when you want. ... Love is a Total Life Changes proprietary blend.
Effect last up to 72 hours
No side effects
Use natural unforced
Supporting a better sex life!
6 capsules for sexual power and better performance!
Product Description
.. Love (For Women) drug free mix premium with natural herbal ingredients to enhance and
support sexual response that lasts up to 24 hours per capsule.
Ancient herbs that have been used in the Orient for centuries and is now available for you and your
partner to experience what thousands of people have found to be a welcome help in restoring good
relations with their partners.
Effect last up to 72 hours
No side effects
Use natural unforced
Supporting a better sex life!
6 capsules for sexual power and better performance
Ingredients: Capsaicin, Red Jujube, Chile Prickly Ash, Asparagus, Durian, Papaya, Magnolia
Nut Seeds, Turmeric, Saffron, Fenugreek, Oregano Leaf Powder. Other ingredients: Gelatin,
Rice Flower, Magnesium Sterate, Steric Acid
Capsaicin – (Cayenne Pepper) – Releases the hormone adrenaline, which induces the release of
endorphins. Stimulates nerve endings and raises your heart rate, which helps with blood circulation.
Red Jujube – Relief From Stress. Blood Purification. Antioxidant Properties
Chile Prickly Ash – Helps with blood circulation.
Asparagus – Helps balance hormones. Rich in vitamin B6 and folate, both of which can boost
arousal and orgasm. High in vitamin E, which stimulates sex hormones in both men and women.
Durian – Myth says the football-size green durian fruit has aphrodisiac and narcotic qualities which
restore virility and drive people to new heights of passion. A good source of energy. Acts as a
natural anti-depressant. Maintains blood pressure levels:
Papaya – In Guatemala the papaya is used to boost a woman’s sexual desire and encourages
fertility because it has compounds that are similar to estrogen. In some cultures papaya is known to
increase milk in nursing mothers, aid in childbirth and promote healthy menstruation.
Magnolia Nut Seeds – Excellent source of minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese
and zinc. Rich in many important B-complex vitamins that are vital for metabolic functions.
Turmeric – Regarded as a ‘golden herb’ in Ayurveda due to its various pharmacological properties
such anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-cancer, immunomodulatory, etc. 2. Turmeric
is one herb which brings back uterus back in proper shape and functioning. Some also believe that
turmeric also helps in balancing hormones.
Saffron – Referenced in the Hebrew Bible’s famously erotic “Song of Songs” Cleopatra reportedly
added Saffron to her baths to enhance lovemaking. It has been suggested that part of saffron’s
magical property is thought to be its enhancement of “lust” via certain neurotransmitters that
stimulate libido or erogenous zones.
Fenugreek – Balances hormones in women. One of the common saponins found in fenugreek is
diosgenin, a steroid-like precursor for the synthesis of a number of sex hormones. May help lower
blood sugar levels in diabetics. Lactating women have used the spice for decades to increase milk
production .
Oregano Leaf Powder – Antiviral, antibacterial, anticancer, antioxidant and antibiotic properties .

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